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Yasutomo Hoshika


Yokohama, Japan

3 August, 1982

Senior Researcher

Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems, Italian National Research Council (IRET-CNR).

Lab. of Ecophysiology (Paoletti & Hoshika Lab.)​


Birth place:        

Birth date:         





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Modeling of environmental botany of plant species as affected by environmental stresses (e.g. ozone, drought)

Contribution to EU project MITIMPACT, MOTTLES, AIRFRESH, MODERn and Italian National Project 4ClimAir, PNRR (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza)-ITINERIS, PNRR-NBFC


Oct 2020 - present

Mar 2019 - Oct 2020

Dec 2018 - Mar 2019

Jun 2017 - Dec 2018

Apr 2015 - Mar 2017

Apr 2013 - Mar 2015

Jul  2011 - Mar 2013

Apr 2011 - Jun 2011

Apr 2010 - Mar 2011

Senior Researcher T.I. IRET-CNR, Firenze

Researcher T.I. IRET-CNR, Firenze

Researcher T.I. Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection, Italian National Research Council (IPSP-CNR)

Researcher T.D. IPSP-CNR

Post-doctoral researcher IPSP-CNR

Post-doctoral researcher (JSPS research grant fellow) Institute of Plant Protection (IPP-CNR)

Post-doctoral researcher Hokkaido University, Lab of Silviculture and Ecological Studies (Prof. Takayoshi Koike)

Post-doctoral researcher University of Tokyo, Lab of Biological and Environmental Information Engineering

Post-doctoral researcher (JSPS research grant fellow) University of Tokyo


24 Mar 2010

22 Mar 2007

Ph.D (Dr. Agr.) Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Univ. Tokyo (Tutor: Prof. Kenji Omasa)

MSc in Agriculture Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Univ. Tokyo

25 Mar 2005

BSc in Agriculture, Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Univ. Tokyo.

Research Projects as Principal Investigator

  1. 4ClimAir (Monitoring Italian forest vulnerability to climate change and air pollution of ozone), Projects@CNR -Italian National Scientific Program- (Project coordinator, 2022-2024)

  2. Environmental Impacts of Ozone and Climatic Changes on Major Brazilian Crops, CNR/FAPESP Italy-Brazil Bilateral Project (Project coordinator, 2022-2023)

  3. MITIMPACT (Prediction and evaluation of the impacts of climate change and photochemical air pollution on transfrontier vegetation– mitigation strategy), European Commission -Interreg ALCOTRA programme- (Scientific Responsible Person at CNR, 2019-2020)

  4. "Modelling and Measureing stomatal ozone flux" Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS fellows (for Research abroad), Agricultural Science n.5 in 2013 (2013-2014)

  5. "Evaluation of Seasonal Effect of Ozone Exposure on Plants", Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Young Scientists B 24780239 (2012)

  6. "Estimation of Stomatal Ozone Flux of the Vegetation in East Asia", Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS fellows (DC2), DC2 09J03195 (2010)

Research Projects as Participant

  1. TROZGRODIV3 (Tropospheric ozone effects on forest growth and diversity), CNR Italy-Romania Bilateral Project (Bilaterale CNR-RA 2023-2025) (2023-2025)

  2. PNRR-NBFC Spoke 5 (National Biodiversity Future Center), PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.4  (2022-2025)

  3. PNRR-ITINERIS (Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System), PNRR Mission 4 Component 2, Notice 3264/2021, IR0000032 (2022-2025)

  4. MODERn, LIFE20 GIE/IT/000091 (2021-2025)

  5. AIRFRESH (AIR pollution removal by FoRESts for a better human well-being), LIFE19 ENV/FR/000086 (2020-2024)

  6. MOTTLES (MOnitoring ozone injury for seTTing new critical LEvelS), European Commission LIFE15 ENV/IT/000183 (2016-2020)

  7. TROZGRODIV2 (Tropospheric ozone effects on forest growth and diversity), CNR Italy-Romania Bilateral Project (Bilaterale CNR-RA 2017-2019) (2017-2019)

  8. "Effetti dell'ozono troposferico sugli ecosistemi vegetali cinesi e italiani", CNR Italy-China Bilateral Project (Progetti comuni di ricerca nel triennio 2017-2019) (2018)

  9. FO3REST (Ozone and climare change impacts on French and Italian forests: Refinement of criteria and thresholds for forest protection), European Commission LIFE+ (2013-2014)

  10. "Evaluation of Effects of Ozone on Japanese Forest Trees Based on Leaf Ozone Uptale", Japan Ministry of Environment, The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (ERTDF) (2011-2012)

Responsibility at Institution

  1. Lab Ecophysiology (D101, CNR campus Firenze) (2019-present) 

  2. Ozone FACE (Free-Air Controlled Exposure) facility at CNR campus Firenze (2015-present)

Italian National Scientific Qualification

  1. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Fascia 1 (07/D1 PATOLOGIA VEGETALE E ENTOMOLOGIA) (2024-2034)

  2. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Fascia 2 (07/B2 SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE DEI SISTEMI ARBOREI E FORESTALI) (2018-2024) 

  3. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Fascia 2 (07/D1 PATOLOGIA VEGETALE E ENTOMOLOGIA) (2018-2024) 


  1. INCDS Diploma of Excellence in Forest Research, prized on 4 Oct 2023, Bucharest, Romania

  2. Italian Forest Society SISEF award for young researcher "i-Forest", prized on 14 Nov 2019, Palermo, Italy 

  3. Innovative Research Award for young researcher at the Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan: Yasutomo Hoshika (2017) A development of modelling of stomatal conductance for estimating stomatal ozone flux in trees. prized on 29 March 2017, Towada, Japan.

  4. Excellent Poster Award at International Symposium in Agricultural Meteorology 2012 (ISAM 2012): Yasutomo Hoshika, Naoki Inada, Makoto Watanabe and Takayoshi Koike (2012) Effects of ozone on stomatal response for Fagus crenata grown under free air ozone exposure, prized on 17 Mar 2012, Osaka, Japan.

Committee member

  1. IUFRO WP 8.04.02 Genetic, biochemical and physiological processes, Deputy (2019-present)

  2. Commission member CNR (call for application BANDO 400.7 IRET PNRR) (2023)

  3. ACID RAIN 2020 (Niigata, Japan), Keynote Session Chair "Tropospheric ozone variability and its effects on vegetation and crop plants" (20 Apr 2023)

  4. Commission member secretary IRET-CNR (call for application BANDO ADR IRET 001-2022-FI) (2022)

  5. Commission member PhD thesis, Antonella Calzone, Title “The future of pomegranate in the Mediterranean climate: adjustments to singular and combined abiotic stresses” at Univ Pisa (prot. 0000024/2021 DISAAA Univ Pisa, 04/01/2021)

  6. IUFRO TASK FORCE Climate Change and Forest Health Member (Group E4) (2012-2020)

  7. Commission member IRET-CNR (call for application BANDO ADR 2.2020.IRET.FI) (2020)

  8. Commission member IRET-CNR (call for application BANDO N. IRET012020FI) (2020)

  9. Evaluator of Junior Grant at Czech Science Foundation (2019)

  10. Commission member IPSP-CNR (call for application Bando IPSP 039 2019 FI) (2019)

  11. Commission member IPSP-CNR (call for application Bando IPSP 026 2017 FI) (2017)

  12. IUFRO World congress 2019 (Curitiba, Brazil), B7b Session Organizer "Physiological and biogeochemical response of forest ecosystems to climate change and air pollution" (2019)

  13. International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems (Firenze, Italy), Scientific Committee member (2018)

  14. 125th IUFRO Anniversary congress 2017 (Freiburg, Germany),  n.56 Session Organizer "Modern approaches in evaluating ozone impacts on forests" (2017)

Editorial Work

  1. Associate Editor (Frontiers in Forests and Global Change) (2022-present)

  2. Associate Editor (Journal of Agricultural Meteorology) (2020-present)

  3. Associate Editor (Journal of Forestry Research) (2020-present)

  4. Associate Editor (mdpi Plants) (2020-present)

  5. Associate Editor (mdpi Stresses) (2020-present)

  6. Review Editor (Frontiers in Plant Science) (2022-present)

  7. Review Editor (Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution) (2020-present)

  8. Review Editor (Frontiers in Forests and Global Change) (2018-2022)

  9. Special Issue Guest Editor (Journal of Forest Research, "Physiological ecology of woody species under changing environments") (2023)

  10. Special Issue Guest Editor (Ecological Research, "The Future Environment and Role of Multiple Air Pollutants") (2023)

  11. Special Issue Guest Editor (Forests, "Effects of Abiotic Stress on Tree Physiology and Ecology") (2022-2023)

  12. Special Issue Guest Editor (Agronomy, "Regulation of Photosynthesis in Crop for Sustainable Production") (2020-2021)

  13. Special Issue Guest Editor (Science of the Total Environment, "Ozone and Plants") (2018)

  14. Special Issue Guest Editor (Journal of Plant Research, "Physiological ecology of woody species in response to air pollution and climate changes") (2018)

Teaching Experience

  1. Lecture for MSc students at Univ of Pisa, “Impatto dell’ozono troposferico su specie arboree di interesse urbano
    e forestale” (a part of the program "Interazione piante-ambiente", by Prof. Luigi Sanità di Toppi) (November 21th, 2023)

  2. Lecture for MSc students at University of Tokyo, “Trial of impact evaluation of tropospheric ozone on forest trees" (within a program "FG5: Information Science for Agriculture, University of Tokyo AGRI-COCOON", by Prof. Fumiki Hosoi (January 31st, 2022)

  3. Lecture for BSc students at Univ Nova Gorica (Slovenia), “Ozone and Plants” (a part of the program “Land Ecosystems” by Prof.ssa Sara Pignatelli) (March 30th, 2021)

  4. Lecture for MSc at Univ of Pisa, “Ozono e Piante” (a part of the program “Certificazione fitovirologica e ambientale", by Prof.ssa Elisa Pellegrini) (November 23rd, 2020)

  5. Lecture for MSc students at Univ of Pisa, “Risposta delle piante allo stress di ozono” (a part of the program "Interazione piante-ambiente", by Prof. Luigi Sanità di Toppi) (November 6th 2020)

  6. Lecture at summer school in Hokkaido (for undergraduate students of Kyung Hee University of Korea), "Introduction of free-air ozone exposure experiment at Hokkaido University" (August 13th, 2012)

  7. Lecture for undergraduate students at Hokkaido University, "Effects of tropospheric ozone on forest trees - A challenge using Free-Air O3 exposure experiment" (a part of the program entitled "Forest structure and function") (June 6th, 2012)

  8. Teaching Assistant for "Exercise for Information Processing" at University of Tokyo [42 hours in total] (2007, 2008)

Supervision of BSc, MSc and PhD students

  1. 2022-2024: Co-Tutor for PhD student, Jacopo Manzini ”Valutazione della capacità di rimozione di inquinanti atmosferici e di contrasto al cambiamento climatico da parte di specie arboree ornamentali in ambiente urbano” (XXXVII ciclo, Tutor: Prof. Francesco Nicese) (DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE AGRARIE E AMBIENTALI, University of Florence)

  2. 2023: Co-supervisor for MSc student, Stefano Re ”Il ruolo della melatonina nella protezione dei danni da ozono in
    piante di Phaseolus vulgaris L.” Academic year 2022-2023 (DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE AGRARIE, ALIMENTARI E AGRO-AMBIENTALI, University of Pisa)

  3. 2020: Co-supervisor for MSc student, Jacopo Manzini ”Valutazioni fitopatologiche ed eco-fisiologiche su cloni di Cupressus sempervirens sottoposti ad inoculazione con Seiridium cardinale ed a stress ossidativo da Ozono” Academic year 2019-2020 (Department of Agricultural Science and Technology, University of Florence)

  4. 2017-2018: Co-supervisor for MSc student, Tatsap Isaac Jean Martial "Impact of Ozone and Nutrients on Poplar Biomass" Academic year 2016-2017 (Department of Forest Science, University of Florence)

  5. 2017-2018: Co-supervisor for BSc student, Jacopo Manzini "Effetto dello stress da Ozono su produzione e allocazione della biomassa di specie vegetali tropicali e mediterranee" Academic year 2016-2017 (Department of Nursery Science, University of Florence)

  6. 2015-2016: Co-supervisor for BSc student, Martina Margari "Inerzia stomatica in specie forestali soggette a stress da ozono e idrico" Academic year 2015-2016 (Department of Forest Science, University of Florence)

  7. 2015-2016: Co-supervisor for BSc student, Marco Ammoniaci "Crescita e assimilazione del carbonio in tre specie quercine esposte ad inquinamento da ozono e carenza idrica" Academic year 2015-2016 (Department of Forest Science, University of Florence)

Scientific Membership

The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) (2015-present)

The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan (2005-present)

The Society of Eco-engineering (2008-present)
Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment (2009-2020)
The Japanese Forest Society (2011-2020)
Boreal Forest Research Society (2011-2020)
The Ecological Society of Japan (2011-2020)

The Botanical Society of Japan (2019-2020)

Journal Referee

農業気象、大気環境学会誌、Environmental Control in Biology, Trees, New Phytologist, Frontiers In Forests And Global Change, Frontiers In Plant Science, Geoscientific Model Development, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Environmental Pollution, Global Change Biology, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Environment, Silva Fennica, Physiologia Plantarum, International Journal of Biometeorology, Science of the Total Environment, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, Experimental Agriculture, Journal of Forestry Research, Annals of Forest Science

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